Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Nursery Progress

Folks, our To-Do list is unbelievable and constantly growing, and we are getting down to the wire (9 weeks and counting).

Finally, after lots of talk and some insomnia on my part, Jennifer and I made some serious progress on the nursery. Spackling (thanks to some help from Jennifer's dad) and spot priming are DONE. Closet 95% cleared out. We cleaned out our office and back hall too, with 5-6 bags of stuff donated to Boomerangs and space for lots of baby stuff now made. Room-darkening shades have been orders and will be picked up on Thursday. Once we get this darn bedding in that Jennifer ordered, we can move on actually buying and painting the room, so when the furniture and baby come, all will be right in the world.

Jennifer working hard in the nursery.

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