Thursday, March 25, 2010

Final Ultrasound w/ a Special View

Last week, we had our final ultrasound. We were able to make it through this entire experience never finding out the sex of the baby. WAHOO!! It helped that I would go into the ultrasounds almost screaming at each technician/doctor at least 5 times that we didn't want to know. But ultimately, there were never any "accidental sightings" of anything so we were able to keep this surprise alive. In this final visit, Nuggs was measured every which way, from her/his head to abdomen to femur and shin bones. Based on these measurements, as of week 35, our little one weighed 5lbs 14 ounces with a little more than 4 weeks left to go. As a going away present, the doctor took some 3D pictures of Nuggs (which Jennifer had to approve before I would look because I actually find these pictures way to alien-like). 

week 35 - OMG!

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