Thursday, March 25, 2010

9-5 Family Shower

Nugget is so lucky that I work with a fantastic group of people. My 9-5 family threw me a beautiful SURPRISE! baby shower. I didn't see it coming at all. When Seema came to get me I thought she giving her notice!!! That is how serious she was.....but when I saw Carmelita and Melanie walking towards the kitchen, the light bulb went off and a smile crossed my face.

The kitchen had been transformed into a baby shower land with linens, flowers, appetizers, a candy bar and a gorgeous baby cake to celebrate Nugget and Guac. My friend Carmelita is due around the same time so we were able to share in a joint shower. I am extremely lucky to have met the folks I work with. They are talented, giving, generous, and creative and detail oriented folks and every detail was coordinated for this shower. I am very thankful to all the ladies who hosted our shower and am very appreciative for all the generous gifts we received.  And I am thankful for Matt, the patient, voice of testosterone in the group.

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