Tuesday, December 1, 2009

We've got each other and that's a lot...

For love - we'll give it a shot
We're half way there!!!

-Bon Jovi

20 weeks - 20 weeks - 20 weeks!!!!
and for your viewing enjoyment, the video....
This is the song i am singing loud & proud of my sweetie and my Nugget!

Here are our most recent ultrasound pics.  Nugget again, was tossing and turning and not willing to stay still for a really great profile.  Our little one is growing and measured within all the right ranges.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, you don't know me but I happened to come across your blog. I found a link to a pre-school site with songs about orange: preschool education.com/sorange/shtml. You're obviously past the orange stage of development, but thought you might find something ussful on the site.
    BTW I am a Stanford Women's Basketball fan. Congatulations on the win. Hope we get to play UConn again this year.
