Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Fruity patootie

Our Nugget is moving and shaking & yawning as witnessed on the ultrasound today! Nugget has grown to the size of a large mango-our favorite fruit! When we returned from St Lucia we were mango obsessed.

Nugget was camera shy today so our pics are not super great, but we will post them for all to see.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Leigh's First Baby Purchase (and blog post)

So though I'm carrying our baby, Jennifer has really been the one thinking about this baby thing realistically, brainstorming on the nursery, what needs to be done around the house, what I should be eating, etc.

However, a couple of weeks ago, I found the first shirt I had to buy for our baby. I am sure you can tell it was a Leigh purchase, and not a Jennifer one :)

As the reality continues to set in, I also finally gave in and joined (with Jennifer's convincing) this internet group called JP Moms. Once I figured out how to stop getting 3-5 annoying emails a day with stuff I just couldn't deal with (oh crunchy JP moms, we are just not on the same page), I accept this new step in my life. Part of being part of this group gives me access to a daily classified digest, which has free and cheaper baby items that people are giving away. So after work today, Jennifer and I went and picked up our first bag of diapers, ALL FOR FREE!!! It feels like winning the lottery, but with a slap of reality attached!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

All Star - Athletics or Fashion...either way, it's CUTENESS!

Our friends Trish and Amy gave us the cutest little kicks for our little Nugget. We were told Leigh and I would both love the present, but probably for different reasons and they were RIGHT! Leigh loves them for the athletic look, I love them for the fashionable cuteness that they are.
These two pics sum Leigh and I up....I prefer the artsy shot and she likes to see scale. Just too darn cute.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

one potato, two potato...


Nugget is now the size of a sweet potato!
So now I have stuck in my head..."hot potato, hot potato, hot potato...."

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Nursery Inspirations

I find inspiration in the craziest places...the nursery colors have come from a 2010 wall art calendar. Oddly enough, the month of April. Shades of greens, aqua, cream and hints of navy. The inspirations are heavy on the darker colors, but I intend to use the darker colors as accents and keep the room lighter. These colors will flow nicely from our hallway and our master bedrooms. I am not sure how the room will be designed with these colors, but that is a project for another day. Leigh loves the colors and agree that they are a really great gender neutral palette. I hope Nugget likes it..maybe a sky scape on the ceiling. I am glad I have artistic folks in my family!!

4 months

Leigh at 4 months. The belly is coming!

Monday, November 9, 2009

week 16

Nugget was camera shy this day, but very athletic, just like her Mommy! Nugget was backwards and doing a headstand for most of the time under the ultrasound so we were lucky to get these not so great images above. The Tech did turn on the 3D imaging for a second and both of us stated "no, no, no..turn it off, turn it off, no, no, no..." we just can't do it.
Nugget is growing - during these pics Nugget was the size of an avocado...and is actually a turnip this week (week 17).
The next picture of Leigh will be posted tomorrow of her 4 month baby bump, or no decide. :)