Saturday, January 30, 2010

7 months - 12 weeks left until April 25th!!

Everyone lies: it's really a 10 month incubation period (40 weeks)
We will be posting the monthly comparison chart this week.

Nursery is coming together!!

A milestone has been reached!  The crib and bureau have been ordered and we just have to wait...10-12 weeks. We are hoping this lead time is just an "under promise, over deliver" situation.  Fingers crossed.  Especially since Leigh is due in 12 weeks - HOLY COW!!!

The style of the furniture fits into the rest of the house decor nicely.  We ordered the vintage cherry finish, which is a bit warmer then the picture (the picture below is mochachino).  The bed converts into a toddler/youth/full size bed.  We really like the feature of the bed growing with the person.  The top of the bureau will be the changing table.  We are all about the versatility.  I saw this environment and just fell in love.  I can not wait to continue the nursery. 

I investigated clean, low/no VOC paints and I hope our Home Depot carries all the colors.  As the bedding has not been finalized, I am 100% sure of the bumper and 80% sure of the skirt and feel confidant that the colors of the wall will be in the hues that dominate the bumper.  We hope to get to Home Depot this weekend to purchase ceiling, trim and wall colors!!!

This picking out custom bedding has been exciting and stressful.  It is also not for the immediate gratification person.  However, the company that I am working with has been great to work with and I look forward to seeing the finished product.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I recently realized that all the pictures that we've been posting about this journey have either involved gifts to Nugget or pictures of me (the Vessel) growing rounder and wearing odd clothing. But there is another member of this family who has been amazing throughout this experience, and who is just as excited as I am for this next adventure. So here are some photos of my wonderful Jennifer (JRo).

Jennifer singing/reading some children songs to Nugget before bed.

Jennifer giving Nugget a kiss good night.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Must be Love

For the first time in over 20 years, I peeled a banana.  It must be love. 
I made pumpkin banana chocolate chip bread for Leigh to have as a healthier snack.

I have come to the realization that bananas are going to be part of Nugget's life and I am going to need to get over my hatred for this fruit. 

I peeled, I mashed, I survived.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


and purchased a maternity jacket....hehehehe

Fruits & Veggies

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Better Perspective

So every month since we've been taking pics of my increasingly bigger belly, I have put together a comparison chart of all the photos for some of my family members who had trouble seeing the growth of the massiveness that used to be my awesome 2-pack. I just added the 6th month photo and thought I'd posted up here for all to enjoy.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Fruits & Veggie Growth Update

Nugget is an Eggplant!
9", 1.7 lbs
and kicking a lot.

Nuggets First Christmas

Nugget is one well loved little baby this holiday season. Nana and Papa want to get this grandchild into the Robinson way of life early and that means eating LOBSTER!  As most of you know, my family throws great Lobsterfests yearly.  We all look forward to their return from Maine because we know we will be dining well that weekend.  My folks vacation in Maine and search out new and interesting places to visit and shop. As Papa states: they like to promote the Maine economy, and that they did this Fall.  Nugget received some fantastic lobster gear and a Maine made blanket!!  Hopefully Nugget will love this crustacean like we all do; we will encourage the love of all seafood.