Monday, October 26, 2009

bye bye u2. hello....

well the lemon stage has come and gone and Nugget has moved into the size of a naval orange. i have no song about an orange, bummer.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

gifts from Portsmouth!

our awesome friends stephanie and melanie were spending the day in Portsmouth NH and found some really great presents for the baby. Nugget is very lucky to have such great aunties. we look forward to sporting the hat, the bib and the onesie - maybe even all on one day! so freaking adorable!!! melt my heart, we are going to have a child that fits/wears/needs all 3 of these great gifts!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I pretty much sing this every morning into L's stomach w/ the same amount of annunciation & gusto as Bono in concert. Plus, this was my first concert ever.
According to the baby growth chart, Nugget is the size of a Lemon, so it's fitting & it makes L smile a lot.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

First Present from Nana & Papa

Announcement Cupcakes

i baked chocolate cupcakes w/ chocolate ganache, topped them w/ a dollop of pink and blue buttercream frosting and some roasted sliced almonds. we brought them into work to announce we were starting a family.

3 months

Leigh at 3 months

week 12

no, Nugget is not smoking a joint...

week 10

wowzer. week 10 and Nugget has a profile! has arms, hands, legs & feet that we can see!!

week 6

Yup, that is our little Nugget at our first ultrasound. We saw Nugget's heartbeat for the first time and was measured at 5.5 mm. Holy cow!! We were so amazed.


Leigh is pregnant!
Here is our journey of bringing Nugget into this world.